A collaboration between Health Education England (Wessex) and the University of Southampton
Category: <span>Research</span>

Nurse wellbeing – have your say!

A study that aims to develop a Core Outcome Set for nurse wellbeing has been launched. This is a minimum set of outcomes that can be used every-time nurse wellbeing is measured for research and for national and local surveys. A core outcome set will reduce survey fatigue by ensuring evidence-based outcomes, important to nurses are used, whenever nurse wellbeing is measured. A core outcome set for nurse wellbeing will allow comparable evidence about the workforce and system resources nurses need to feel good and meet their full potential. This provides evidence for organisations and the government about what really works for nurse wellbeing. To find out more or to take part please watch this 4 minute video and visit: https://delphimanager.liv.ac.uk/nurse_wellbeing/

The exit interview data we always wanted for doctors leaving the NHS

The GMC, HEE, DOH (Northern Ireland), NHS Education for Scotland and Health Education and Improvement Wales have published the results of a survey sent to 90,601 doctors who practised in the UK between 3 months and 15 years ago, but are no longer, for reasons other than being more than …

Four new government reports that will impact the future NHS workforce

Behind the scenes government committees have been busy gathering evidence from stakeholders to produce the 4 following reports that will greatly influence our working lives: Workforce burnout and resilience in the NHS and social care. Second House of Commons Report Health is everyone’s business. Presented to Parliament on behalf of …

New C4WW research project: The effect of Covid-19 on newly qualified doctors – “Called to Serve”

The coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak has led to extraordinary measures being undertaken to enable NHS frontline staff to meet clinical demand in a time of staff shortages due to illness or caring responsibilities. This includes recalling retired clinical staff to duty and repurposing buildings across the UK as hospitals. Another source …

Caring for doctors, Caring for patients.

The GMC “Caring for doctors, caring for patients” report has been published today. This prompt review, only conceived in 2018, is structured around an “ABC of doctors’ needs”; Autonomy; Belonging and Competence. The report initially describes the strain on doctors and what the consequences are and goes on to use …

BMA report adds to the body of work published this year on the mental wellbeing of doctors

The “caring for the mental health of the medical workforce report” describes the quantitative results of a survey of doctors and medical students in October 2018. The participants were self-selecting, but over 4,300 people responded, including 1,400 medical students.   The survey used the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory and 80% of …

University Student Mental Health Survey 2018 results published.

Often removed from their previous support networks, forming identities and dealing with change, university students continue to be a group where mental wellbeing monitoring and interventions are needed. This is a large scale study of the prevalence of mental health, in self-selecting students, conducted by a private healthcare team of …