Key Documents, Guidance and Policy on Workforce Wellbeing specific to doctors
The state of medical education and practice in the UK 2021
This report from the General Medical Council describes data from the National Training Survey below and Barometer surveys undertaken in June-July 2021 in 3386 doctors.
National training survey 2021 Results, General Medical Council
The 63,207 trainee and trainer doctors from across the UK reported on quality of training, burnout, recovery of training following Covid 19 and supportive environments. The main focus of the report is on the increase in the number of negative answers to the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory work-related burnout questions.
The state of medical education and practice 2020, GMC.
This report covers the results of the practice “Barometer Survey” completed by 3693 doctors and the short “National Training Survey”, as well as data on the Foundation Interim Year. The licence and registration data demonstrate our changing medical workforce and the “Barometer Survey” highlights the inequalities within it.
Caring for doctors, Caring for patients
This report draws on qualitative and quantitative research on doctor and medical student wellbeing to make recommendations, which are supported by Case Studies showcasing good practice.
Caring for the mental health of the medical workforce. British Medical Association.
This report describes the quantitative results of a survey of doctors and medical students in October 2018. The participants were therefore self-selecting, but over 4,300 people responded, including 1,400 medical students.
Enhancing Junior Doctors’ Working Lives – A Progress Report (2020). Health Education England.
Following the recent Junior Doctors contract dispute, Health Education England committed to finding ways of improving the working environment for junior doctors through the Enhancing Junior Doctors’ Working Lives programme. Each year the programme produces a progress report.
This report defines the problems facing UK doctors, points to those most at risk, and makes recommendations for solutions. One of the recommendations are for a toolkit approach to interventions, where individuals choose most helpful options to them.
This report contains the outcomes and feedback from the Practitioner Health Programme, a confidential, free NHS service for doctors, nurses, pharmacists and dentists experiencing mental illness or addiction difficulties.
The annual collation of findings from national training surveys completed by trainee doctors and trainers. In the 2018 report, doctors report overall satisfaction with supervision and training, However, there are reports of regularly working beyond contracted hours and details are provided on levels of burnout. Also considered are the trends in reporting and acting on concerns, as well as career intentions.
Please also look under the following links for documents, policy and guidance that also apply to doctors:
Health and Social Care Workforce
Wellbeing Support Organisations
The trade union and professional body for doctors in the UK offers confidential and free support services all day, every day by phone, as well as face to face support and resources.
NHS Practionner Health Programme
Practitioner Health is able to see and treat the following Healthcare Professionals for mental health:
- Doctors
- Dentists
- Medical Students in clinical years
- Retired GPs returning to practice
Their mental health treatment service is available via self-referral for any doctor/dentist on the GMC/GDC register in England.
A charity that offers support to doctors, dentists and medical students all day every day by phone for addictions.
A charity that provides confidential peer support for doctors and medical students with mental health concerns.
British Doctors and Dentist Group
A group of doctors and dentists, from all levels, who are recovering from, or wish to recover from, addiction/ dependency on alcohol or any other drug. They offer regional support groups.
Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service
The tribunal service for doctors in the UK. They run hearings, which make independent decisions about whether doctors are fit to practice medicine. They can listen, provide details of the hearing process and practicalities.
This is a national facebook peer to peer support group.
This is a psychotherapeutic service for doctors that charges fees for face to face or videoconference consultations with Consultant Medical Psychotherapists, based at BMA House, London.
Royal College of Psychiatrists
The Psychiatrists’ Support Service is a free, confidential support and advice service for psychiatrists at all stages of their career who find themselves in difficulty or in need of support. The service is available during office hours Monday to Friday.
They offer a confidential surgeon to surgeon advice line, as well as resources.
Royal College of General Practitioners
They offer wellbeing events and resources.
They offer resources for anaesthetists’ wellbeing.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Offer peer to peer support and resources.
Health for Health Professionals Wales
A face to face counselling service for doctors in Wales.